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How to Set-Up Your Classrooms for Success in Distance Learning & Online Education

There are no doubts that online education can have large benefits – but there are also some hurdles that can take extensive planning and set-up to be successful. And as many Universities will be implementing new procedures for online classrooms and distance learning, it is important to get your set-up prepped and ready many weeks in advance!

Here Are Some of the Best Ways to Handle Your Set-Up Before Your Online Education Classes Begin

Be Comfortable with the Technology that Online Education Requires

Just because you teach online doesn’t mean you have to be a technical wizard, but you do need to be comfortable with the technology you will be using. From powerpoints to online quizzes, grading software, and video features, it helps to know how each piece of your technology works so you do not spend time in class troubleshooting.

But first and foremost, the right hardware and software will make this work much more smoothly, so be sure to not only know your technology but invest in good technology. You need a fast computer, strong internet service, and a good platform to meet your classroom’s needs.

Your Work Environment or Physical ‘Classroom’ Still Matters

We may all be working remotely, from home, or through distance learning, but our environment still sets the stage for our online course. Make sure you are setting a good example by showing a tidy and academic work environment. And just like you need certain things out of your physical office or classroom, you should also look to maintain (or create) certain things in the backdrop for your virtual classroom.

If possible, your workspace should be intended for work only – not a kitchen counter or from your couch. You want this space to be friendly and engaging, but also a productive space. Avoid distractions like television, other family members, pets and household chores, or outside noises. Natural lighting can be a great asset as well.

Communicate Regularly with Your Students to Ensure Everyone is on the Same Page

There may be miscommunications due to distance learning instead of face-to-face conversations, try to mitigate these instances by communicating often and clearly to your class. Many students are intimidated by online learning and may not ask as many questions, while others will view you as ‘always available’ via email or text. Make sure you explain your communication strategy early on in your online course.

It is good to explain the best way to reach you, your expected turnaround time for replies or answers, and where resources and answers are available before reaching out to professors or others. This way you can balance the need for frequent communication, with the possibility of running over into overcommunication or constant communication.

Though it is important to maintain a consistent online presence, this can be wearing for many professors, which is where an online academic coach from Instructional Connections can come in handy, as our coaches are able to handle the vast bulk of class communication to free the faculty’s time for planning and class execution.

Just as You Give Feedback, Make Sure You Ask for it & Recieve it as Well

Oftentimes your students are learning what online or distance learning looks like just as you are, so gain their feedback as well as your own. See what worked well, what didn’t work so well, what could work better in the future, and more.

Communication goes both ways, and so does feedback, so ask your students, other faculty, and other sources altogether about what worked and what needs improvement. Online learning is not new, however, the magnitude to which it is being used has never been seen before – make sure we are using this opportunity to expand and improve it every semester.

Ultimately, Planning Your Distance Learning & Online Education Classes Sets Your Students Up for Success

When your students are not physically in front of you, you have to plan and prepare even more to make sure you are using your time well and helping your student in the most effective ways.

However, this takes more time.

That is why an online academic coach from Instructional Connections may be the perfect answer to your extended distance learning needs.

Who Are Our Online Academic Coaches?

Our online academic coaches are highly qualified, experienced professionals in the appropriate academic discipline and have earned at least a Master’s degree from an accredited university. On average, our online academic coaches have 14 years of industry experience in their field!

Our academic coaches’ goals are fully customizable to your classroom and its needs. Because under the leadership and direction of your faculty, our online academic coaches can assist you with grading assignments, managing discussion threads, posting approved announcements, and managing day-to-day tasks and course issues in distance learning like communication.

And the best part? We have been doing this since long before COVID-19 and the push for online learning, so we have our process and systems perfectly in place already.

Contact Instructional Connections for Online Education Assistance or to Learn More About Our Distance Learning Academic Coaches & Support