Common Problems Students Face in Online Learning

Online Learning on a laptop

Distance learning is not a new concept. However, as it has become an increasingly popular teaching method over the years, many issues in the virtual classroom have come to light. Adapting to a new teaching method can significantly impact the way in which students learn, and given that many students are still opting to take remote classes, it’s important that we continue to address the issues that impede student development. 

In this article, we examine some obstacles that make online learning difficult and offer solutions to solve them faster.

Online Learning Issues and Possible Solutions

Professors and their virtual teaching assistants can help students smoothly transition from in-person to virtual courses if they consider the following challenges.


Since students are not in an actual classroom, distractions are unavoidable. Additionally, students don’t typically have the same level of privacy they had at university because they often share the house with the rest of their family, so concentrating can become difficult.

The best solution to this problem is to create a schedule with family members. Students should let their families know when they need a quiet study room to follow the class lecture in peace.   

Low Motivation

People are generally very active and sociable and need communication with colleagues to remain productive. Therefore, isolation in a virtual classroom affects motivation, which may result in procrastination.

To overcome this issue, the best solution is for professors or virtual teaching assistants to continue creating schedules or to-do lists that encourage students to keep going and not abandon the work. Also, it is necessary to carve out time for students to keep in touch with their colleagues. Hosting workshops or study meetings is a great way to encourage students to collaborate on their homework.

Technical Problems

When online learning began increasing in popularity, connecting to Zoom or Google Meetings proved challenging, as these platforms were underdeveloped for such a massive shift. Students and professors faced various technical issues and problems that often prolonged class time.

Besides always looking for trustworthy platforms and ensuring students have a reliable internet connection, there isn’t much that can be done regarding technical issues. However, when these issues arise, it’s important for students to contact their professors immediately to ensure they can follow the lecture as seamlessly as possible. 

Poor Interaction = Boredom

Upon transitioning from an actual classroom to a virtual one, students often report feeling bored or less interested in the subject due to decreased interaction with professors and peers. Additionally, students are typically required to complete their assignments independently instead of collaboratively in a virtual environment, further contributing to poor peer interaction.

Although professors always remain available for their students, the motivation for students to keep up with deadlines slowly decreases over time, and the syllabus becomes difficult to follow. One solution to this problem is for students to initiate open discussions with their peers to share ideas and offer constructive feedback on assignments. 

Teaching Assistants Help Overcome Remote Learning Obstacles

Teaching assistants have slowly become integral to any classroom, especially virtual ones. At Instructional Connections, we have helped over 50,000 students in more than 50 universities meet their learning goals online and gain the knowledge to develop their studies further.

To learn more about what our team can do for you, feel free to reach out to us – we’re always happy to help!