
What Makes a Good Virtual TA/Academic Coach?

According to data from UNESCO, more than 1.2 billion students globally had stopped having face-to-face classes by mid-May 2020. When the majority of students worldwide switched from face-to-face to remote schooling, the faculty’s workload increased. Syllabi had to be replanned because the learning methods were changing to meet online realities and needs.

But virtual teaching has been around for quite some time and requires a special skill set. This article will discuss what makes a good Academic Coach.

Characteristics of a Good Academic Coach

Whether you’re an online or offline teaching assistant, the role requires you to possess certain skills and characteristics.

Be Compassionate

Compassion is crucial feedback that affects the overall learning progress of a student. Therefore, it’s an important skill for an Academic Coach to have. Understanding the students’ struggles and the faculty’s needs is essential for successful collaboration. 

Be Flexible

Academic Coaches must be able to adjust to changes. Sometimes during online requirements, students will face various challenges beyond their control, like technical issues or additional questions. Academic Coaches must adapt to the student’s and faculty’s needs efficiently. That’s why flexibility is the second most important skill for Academic Coaches.

Be Highly Organized

Academic Coaches are there for support during online courses. The successful collaboration between the faculty and the Academic Coach depends on good organization, effective time management, and planning. Therefore, the third imperative for this role is proper time management and overall organization.

Be Able to Communicate Efficiently

Academic Coaches are the bridge between students and professors. Keeping a steady and efficient communication flow is vital for achieving the best results. It’s also essential to actively listen and connect with the students and faculty members. 

Best Tips for an Effective Virtual Teaching Assistant

We’ve gone over some skills that make an excellent Academic Coach. Now let’s go over the best ways to master the role!

Know Your Field

All Academic Coaches must have a good level of subject knowledge. Academic Coaches aren’t only there to provide instructional support to students but to help them with any issues that may follow. Also, as Academic Coaches aren’t only communicating with students and professors, it’s crucial to learn more about professors’ teaching ideologies, habits, and the communication methods they use.

Have Patience

Some people have it naturally, while others have to work on it – either way, it’s paramount. The role of the Academic Coach makes even the calmest person work on their patience. You must anticipate various difficulties, problems, and last-minute changes. But, in all cases, you must respond professionally. 

Learn More with Instructional Connections

Our team at Instructional Connections is dedicated to improving online teaching by assisting faculty and universities. Our services help educational institutions face the challenges and demands of online degrees and courses. We are known for our high-quality instructional support services for both colleges and universities. 

If you are interested in becoming an Academic Coach with Instructional Connections, please apply HERE.

 If your institution is interested to learn more about implementing our Academic Coaches for the online course offerings at your university or college, please contact us.