
How Your Academic Coach Can Improve Student Outcomes

Higher education is a great opportunity. A positive higher education experience sets students up for a successful postgraduate experience, and studies routinely show that college graduates are more likely to be successful in terms of finance, mental health, and life satisfaction. 

However, not every student attending a class is automatically guaranteed success. Struggling students are not rare. A host of issues can negatively impact student outcomes. Everything from poor secondary education to trouble at home. Researchers have poured over how to improve student outcomes, and there is a lot of data about how to best intervene with a struggling student. Unfortunately, the larger, macro-cosmic forces like access to education and student background won’t be solved overnight. 

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t leverage Academic Coaches, Virtual Teaching Assistants, or virtual TAs to improve student outcomes in your online, asynchronous classroom! While various factors impact student outcomes, focusing on what you can control is a great way to improve the lives of your students. The good news is that there is a proven way to help! Academic Coaches are a great way to plan your online classes for success and create a solid learning environment! 

Read on to Learn More About How Academic Coaches Can Improve Student Outcomes

Academic Coach Benefit 1: Saving You Time

Let’s face it; faculty members have busy schedules and must juggle multiple competing priorities. This is just a fact of life, and most faculty members have learned to accept the fast pace of teaching. However, these intense schedules can still have negative consequences for students. When moving from task to task as a faculty member, you can’t stop and focus on students who might need additional help or referral to other resources at the university. Using an Academic Coach to free up more routine maintenance tasks allows you actually to dive deeper into student outcomes. 

Who needs more attention? Who isn’t getting challenged by the coursework? Who isn’t living up to their potential? Without an academic coach, important questions like this would be lost amid all of the hustle and bustle of teaching. However, by utilizing an academic coach, you are able to set aside time and focus on improving student outcomes, not just completing tasks. 

Academic Coach Benefit 2: Personalization

Your academic coach will likely spend more time on day-to-day tasks. They often can monitor discussion threads and grade assignments per a detailed rubric. As mentioned previously, this helps free up a good deal of time for you as a faculty member. However, an Academic Coach may also provide insight into how each student is faring. After all, the Academic Coach will see their coursework and interact with them. This isn’t to say that faculty members are incapable of personalization. 

Academic Coach Benefit 4:  Identifying Areas For Improvement 

A student who needs additional help or practice doesn’t just walk into class with a sticker on their back announcing it. A good faculty member can often spot the warning signs of a student struggling, but it is often easier said than done, especially in the online environment and if the class has a larger enrollment. An Academic Coach or Virtual TA usually handles the more immediate student coursework. This could vary from class to class depending on each faculty’s preference, but grading assignments per the rubrics, moderating online discussion threads as directed by the faculty, and responding to student questions are all common Virtual TA questions. These are also exactly the activities where potential areas for improvement first present themselves. A seasoned faculty member might notice that any given student needs more attention or practice after a few lectures or an exam. A virtual TA can probably tell within one or two assignments if one student needs extra help. And once you have identified areas for improvement, you can…

Academic Coach Benefit 5: Early Intervention

Knowing which students are lagging behind or at risk is helpful, but it can be difficult with a full course load to address as a faculty member. Virtual TAs and academic coaches don’t just give faculty members time back. The Academic Coach can report to the faculty any potential at-risk students during the weekly conference calls between the faculty and Academic Coaches.  This allows the faculty to get directly involved with the students, and identify potential interventions for the student.  This creates the team dynamic of teaching an online course; instead of the faculty having to be the sole support for students within the online course, there is an additional layer of support from the Academic Coach. 

Improve Student Outcomes With Instructional Connections

Your students may benefit greatly from an Academic Coach that can provide them with an additional layer of support within your online, asynchronous courses.  Turn to Instructional Connections for your our Academic Coach Model.

All of our Academic Coaches are…

  • Master’s Degree prepared in Their Field/Subject Area
  • Fully Vetted and Background Checked
  • Entirely Remote, located across the US
  • A Key Source of Term-Long Support for the assigned course

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