
Ensuring Effective Communication & Collaboration with Virtual TAs

In 2021, 75% of schools were planning to operate online. Beyond schools, however, even corporate learning is being held in virtual classrooms, with a 98% adoption among businesses. Both educators and corporate entities have begun preparations for virtual learning, from purchasing equipment to training teachers for distance learning.

“Instructional Connections is an integrated service provider of high-quality instructional support services to colleges and universities that offer online courses and degree programs. So we can continue providing this high standard of service, communication and collaboration remain at the heart of all our processes.”

Communication and collaboration between Academic Coaches (also known as Virtual TAs) between the university’s faculty and our Academic Coaches are crucial to maintaining a high quality of performance. It is also important in ensuring the clarity of discussions. Our Academic Coaches are tasked by the university’s faculty of record for the online course with helping students make connections through learning, which makes communication a central pillar of our services and our process. This communication and collaboration are things our Academic Coaches must establish.

Many Methods Can Strengthen Collaboration Between Academic Coaches, Faculty, & Students – such as:

Minimizing Silos or Isolation

Virtual teaching creates a bridge that connects individuals despite their physical distance from each other. Therefore, Academic Coaches (also known as Virtual Teaching Assistants or Instructional Associates) and the faculty of record should make every effort to minimize developing silos or a student becoming isolated.

For example, utilizing learning methods that require communication and conversation among students helps them forge connections with each another. Collaborative efforts between Academic Coaches and the faculty can also improve how the whole unit works as a team. These prevent them from working in isolation or only with one or two individuals. Additionally, they can reach out to their faculty and their Academic Coaches, strengthening communication between all members regardless of their department or assignment.

Open Lines of Communication

Our Student Support guidelines state that Academic Coaches should answer inquiries and emails within 24 hours. Even if the Academic Coach does not know the answer, they need to confirm receipt or respond that the matter will be researched, indicating that the student is being acknowledged and the matter will be addressed accordingly.

Receiving Feedback

Being open and receptive to feedback from faculty and supervisors gives everyone room to grow and enhance their performance. Feedback can be positive and critical, and both help Academic Coaches foster a culture of transparency and communication. It may touch upon areas that need improvement, and thus the Academic Coach can improve their approach to support the student on behalf of the faculty.  

With the students, there is a two-way method: grading and feedback, or answering student questions, is a helpful way to communicate with students about their work. For example, the Academic Coach can add details about areas that need focus and areas they did well in (in accordance with the faculty’s assignment rubrics and directions).

Communication Creates Connections

Academic Coaches have the crucial task of aiding faculty to bring students further during their learning experience. Therefore, they have to maintain communication to be aware of every step of the progress. This makes them better prepared and better adapted to each student’s needs. 

Instructional Connections brings Academic Coaches and faculty together to develop and maintain a learning experience that heightens every student’s academic background, leading them towards success.

Contact us today to find out more about our Academic Coaching Model or learn more about our services.


The Responsibilities of Teaching Assistants

Online learning is not a new concept; in fact, educational institutions have long been offering online classes, with 17.6 percent of higher education students exclusively taking distance learning courses and a further 19.7 percent were taking some of their courses online before the pandemic in 2019.

But when educational institutions had to pivot in 2020, virtually every student, not just in the U.S. but in the world, were enrolled in online instead of face-to-face classes.

With this sudden change and the complications, one group of people has been invaluable to keeping everything flowing smoothly—teaching assistants.

The Role Of Teaching Assistants

Teaching assistants, teacher’s aides, or simply TAs provide support for teachers in a class. Their duties vary widely, from administrative support for professors to academic support for students.

But in recent years, the roles of teaching assistants have increased, making them pivotal in keeping schools operating. We outline the important responsibilities teaching assistants have taken up recently below.

1. Teaching Assistants Have Offered Targeted Support For Students

Professors already have a challenging job. They couldn’t have possibly monitored and provided support to individual students all by themselves, given the limited interaction they get to have.

In this regard, teaching assistants have provided the support students need. Teaching assistants have provided instructional support to the faculty – such as grading assignments per the rubrics and directions of the faculty, monitoring discussion threads, and answering emails.

2. Teaching Assistants Monitored Students On Discussion Boards

As mentioned above, it’s difficult for instructors to monitor all these. Teaching assistants have been responsible for monitoring interactions and answering students’ questions in these spaces.

4. Teaching Assistants Ensured Online Assignments Are Graded Properly

One of teaching assistants’ core tasks even before the pandemic was to help instructors grade assignments. Within an online course, assignments are within the LMS course modules and the assignments are submitted through the LMS. 

This helped keep things running smoothly and allowed instructors to test students’ understanding of the subject, which is essential in a remote learning setting.

Enjoy The Benefits Of Professional Teaching Assistants

With all that said, it’s clear how valuable teaching assistants are, whether classes are held online, in-person, or in some hybrid environment.

Make sure you can provide quality teaching through your online education programs with the help of teaching assistants from Instructional Connections. Our team of online academic coaches offers unparalleled support for instructors and their students.

Learn more about our services today.


Online Learning: Is It The Future of Higher Education?

The advancement of technology and the internet freed education from the confines of a physical classroom. Today, students from every level have access to quality education whenever and wherever they want. 

When the COVID-19 outbreak closed down schools and affected over 1.2 billion students worldwide, online learning became more than just an option. It became a central factor in people’s lives.

As the world gradually recovers from the pandemic and universities start opening, will online learning remain the future of higher education? This article will provide several good reasons online education will still matter in the future.

It Offers Convenience & Flexibility  

Online learning courses are designed to adapt to a student’s schedule. It allows learners to pursue their desired course or subject at their preferred time and pace. Traditional classroom learning does not always offer this kind of convenience and flexibility.

More importantly, online education offers accessibility. It enables students to study from anywhere in the world. The virtual classroom is always available if there’s an internet connection. 

Web-Based Learning Is (Still) On the Rise

Due to the pandemic, the Massive Open Online Course Market (MOOC), which includes many online learning platforms, is expected to grow by $16 billion from 2021 to 2025. This is likely due to the popularity of convenient modes of online learning like live streaming, video-on-demand, and webinars.

Regardless of what modes are chosen by students, the convenience, flexibility, and accessibility that online learning provides will make it even more popular in the coming years.

For online learning institutions, web-based learning enables more students to enroll in their courses. Classes that are dependent on pre-recorded videos and assessments can have an unlimited number of students enrolled.

It Has Improved the Quality of Learning

Studies show that retention rates are higher in online learning than in traditional classroom courses. The Boston Consulting Group, in partnership with Arizona State University, found that students who take more online classes tend to graduate sooner

This is likely due to the decrease in pressures that are usually present in traditional school systems. One of the primary benefits of online learning is that it allows students to learn at their own pace. 

Many online courses have learning materials available anytime, giving students the chance to rewatch lectures and review materials. Supplemental reading recommendations, study guides, and other learning materials are also provided to help keep students engaged. 

It’s Cost-Effective

The average cost of college for one student in the United States is around $35,720 per year. It doesn’t always include accommodation, textbooks, equipment, transportation, and other expenses. 

Online learning is usually priced lower than most traditional university courses. According to a story by U.S. News and World Report, an online college program (in-state) can cost $11,040 to $20,956.  

Many online courses offer a wide range of payment options that let students pay in installments or for each class. It allows for better budget management. Students can also save money from the commute and other expenses stated above. 

When it comes to learning online, the monetary investment can be significantly less—which means that more students will potentially have access to a college education. 

There’s no denying that online learning is the future of higher education. While it may not completely replace traditional classroom learning, it remains a beneficial option to those who prefer to study online.

High-Quality Support Services for Colleges & Universities 

Instructional Connections (IC) is a leading provider of high-quality instructional support services for colleges and universities.

Visit our website to find out how our company helps universities scale their educational programs at substantially lower costs.

You can also contact us today to know more about our online solutions.


Instructional Connections: History & Partners

Instructional Connections began in 2010 with the sole goal of facilitating better instructional support services for online courses of Universities and Colleges through our online teaching assistants or academic coaches.

No other North American company works how Instructional Connections does – even before Covid-19 and the shift to online education and distance learning. While many online support companies are solutions looking for a problem, we build our services around the missions of Colleges and Universities and provide support exactly where it is needed.

Our online teaching assistants and services are flexible enough to match each College and University we work with. Our partner Colleges and Universities are often asking for additional ways we can support them and expand our services! This means we aren’t a cookie-cutter option, but we see a need or gap and curate a specific and custom solution for each of our partners’ situations.

[H2] Our Partner Universities & Colleges

  • Arkansas State University – Jonesboro
  • Austin Peay State University
  • Boise State University
  • Bowling Green State University
  • Central Michigan University
  • Columbus State University
  • Eastern Washington University
  • Emporia State University
  • Florida A&M University
  • Florida Gulf Coast University
  • Florida International University
  • Lamar University
  • Louisiana State University – Alexandria
  • Louisiana State University – Baton Rouge
  • Louisiana State University – Shreveport
  • Montclair State University
  • Nevada State College
  • Northern Kentucky University
  • Northwest Missouri State University
  • Ohio University
  • Pacific Oaks College
  • Pittsburg State University
  • Purdue University – Northwest
  • Simmons University
  • Southeastern Oklahoma State University
  • Southern Oregon University
  • Southern Utah University
  • Texas A&M International University
  • Texas Wesleyan University
  • University of Alabama – Huntsville
  • University of Arkansas System – eVersity
  • University of Cincinnati
  • University of Delaware
  • University of Houston – Victoria
  • University of Louisiana – Lafayette
  • University of Maine System
  • University of New Mexico
  • University of North Carolina – Pembroke
  • University of North Carolina – Wilmington
  • University of North Florida
  • University of North Texas
  • University of Northern Colorado
  • University of Rhode Island
  • University of Southern Indiana
  • University of Vermont
  • University of West Florida
  • University of Texas – Arlington
  • University of Texas – El Paso
  • University of Texas – Permian Basin
  • University of Texas – Rio Grande Valley
  • University of Texas – Tyler
  • University of Wyoming
  • Youngstown State University

[H2] How Our Online Teaching Assistant Model Works

1. We Understand Your Needs

Our first step is always the same – to understand what each College or University needs relative to their online instructional support and programs. We strive to understand the missions that each school desires through in-depth meetings and close communication.

2. We Recruit Impressive Online Teaching Assistants

We recruit, screen, pre-qualify, and present online teaching assistant candidates that have been vetted and have extensive experience in the desired field, depending on the specific program and course. All of our online teaching assistants have a minimum of a Master’s or greater in their field.

3. We Train & Assign Your Online TAs

We assign university approved online teaching assistants and other support staff to your courses and programs. This is based on University, College, or even course-specific needs for your distance learning service needs.

We understand the hurdles and benefits of online programs and distance learning, which is why we work hard to help you manage your distance learning courses for optimal student success by training all candidates on learning management systems used by your University. This ensures they are oriented for courses and your specific distance learning programs.

4. We Organize Your Online Teaching Assistants

We independently contract, manage, and pay the online teaching assistants supporting your courses. We handle all organizations of staffing provided to fulfill the service needs on behalf of university partners. This eliminates universities from adding additional human resources and payroll overhead.

5. We Provide Accountability & Support Throughout the Year

To ensure accountability, we have supportive leadership staff who work directly with your University’s administration and faculty. This ensures that the faculty member’s expectations, rubric, and goals are fully met.

In addition, we provide continual support to each distance learning course where our online teaching assistants are requested and used. From start to finish – we are there throughout the semester for our university partners.

We strive to meet expectations through our services and our online teaching assistants. Contact Instructional Connections for More Information on Our Online Teaching Assistants!


Online Education Tips for Teachers

Online education seems here to stay, at least in some capacity, especially for higher education as schedules are busy and culture changes. And though there are large benefits to online education and distance learning, it can be a difficult transition for many teachers.

Here are some of the best tips and tricks that professors and faculty of online courses have shared over the past year.

1. Planning Your Classes Is Even More Integral Now

Often administration thinks that in-person classes take more planning than online ones, but this isn’t true. Typically, in a virtual classroom, class time is short, and students expect to learn as much as they can in that given period, and as activities may be quicker and less frequent – that time needs to be filled and utilized to the fullest.

This is an important reason why it’s essential to plan your lessons beforehand and in a detailed manner to make sure you are providing a high level of learning and value to students.

2. Master And Vary Your Technology

This is the second biggest tip, just barely behind planning: make sure you understand the technology you will be using. And this doesn’t just mean Zoom or the University’s platform, this means all of the media and technology you plan to use in class. From quizzes to breakout rooms, videos to interactive setups, or even games, this is paramount.

If you do not where begin, here are some things to familiarize yourself with:

  • Identify common technical issues in the platform you will be using
  • Discover platform tricks or shortcuts
  • Know how to get tech support from your University
  • Understand if there’s mobile access or only PC access

3. Set Up A Clean And Designated Work Area

Regardless of being in a virtual classroom, your environment still sets the stage for your course. Make sure you are setting a good example by having an academic virtual background or a tidy physical backdrop. Also, be consistent if your background is not virtual – or do not have the room change between your office and kitchen, living room, or outdoors.

If possible, your classroom area should be intended for work only – not a kitchen counter or couch. You want the space to be tidy, educational, and engaging while still looking productive.

4. Start Discussions And Communicate Regularly

Teaching online is different, but some principles are the same, like facilitating discussion and communicating with your students.

Discussion is how many students learn best, either by teaching their peers or asking questions of them, even having breakout groups where each section may discuss a different topic before coming together and sharing with the group in their own words and with their own understanding. It’s important to start these discussions so they can be comfortable and acquainted with you and the class, but then allow the group to speak more than you while you still guide the timelines and subjects.

Communication is needed in all classroom styles, virtual or in-person, in order to ensure that the students know what is needed, expected, and due. Additionally, a teacher (online or not) who answers emails in a timely manner will be seen as more helpful and friendly, which in turn aids in discussion and makes the students feel more comfortable.

Set Your Students Up for Success With Our Online Academic Coaches

When your students are not physically in front of you, you have to plan and prepare even more to make sure you are using your time well and helping your student in the most efficient and effective ways. And sometimes, that means getting help…

Luckily, our online academic coaches are highly qualified, experienced professionals in the appropriate academic discipline and have earned at least a Master’s degree from an accredited university. In fact, on average, our online academic coaches have 14 years of industry experience in their field!

Our coaches’ goals are fully customizable to your classroom and its needs. Because under the leadership and direction of your faculty, our online academic coaches can assist you with grading assignments, managing discussion threads, posting approved announcements, and managing day-to-day tasks and course issues in distance learning – such as timely and consistent communication.

We have been working in online education and distance learning since long before COVID-19, and the push for online learning began in 2020, which means we have our process and systems perfectly in place already.

Contact Instructional Connections for Online Education Assistance or to Learn More About Our Online Academic Coaches & Distance Learning Support!


What Are the Fastest Growing Online Education Programs in 2021?

2020 saw a large surge in online learning and distance learning for obvious reasons. But these trends are not just for elementary and middle schools in the midst of a pandemic, in fact, online education has been growing for degree-seeking programs in Universities for years.

And all trends, stats, and predictions seem to point to the continuation of the growth of online education programs in universities and higher education.

Why Will Online Education Programs Continue to Thrive?

Flexibility when it comes to scheduling and convenience are two of the most important factors for many young adults going to Universities, or older adults going back to school for a field change. And because 2020 and the pandemic showed America that online education, especially at higher levels, can work quite well, we expect more and more students to migrate to distance learning over traditional, in-person classes.

However, if this trend continues, then more universities will need to offer more online education programs and classes. As the number of enrollees goes up, higher education institutions will also need to expand their degree-seeking online program offerings as a strategic response to the public’s demand.

Why Are Students Choosing Online Education Programs?

  • It may be the best fit for their work and life responsibilities
  • It could be their preferred way of learning
  • There may not be their program offered near them

Which Online Education Programs & Certifications Are Quickly Growing?

Physician Assistant & Nurse Practitioner

In addition to completing graduate-level courses, every state requires physician assistants and nurse practitioners to be licensed. And though this is a lengthier process, it can pay off largely, as the average salary is over $100,000 per year and the expected growth rate for the area continues steadily over 35%.

Online Degree Options: Master’s in Physician Assistance or MSN-NP/DNP Programs

Software Developers

Software is constantly changing, which means software developers are valued for both their creativity and their technical know-how. And when you consider a bachelor’s in computer science is all that’s needed for entry-level positions, there is significant job security in that degree. There is also an expected 30%+ growth rate for the next 10 years. Plus, the average salary is often over $100,000 per year. This will surely be an area many future distance learners look into.

Online Degree Options: Bachelor’s in Computer Science or Master’s in Computer Science

Information Security Analysts

Cyber-attacks and data security are becoming top concerns in our growing digital age, which means information security analysts will most likely be needed even more in the future than they already are now. And though online degrees are readily available in the field of information systems and cybersecurity, with projected growth rates nearing 30% and salaries over $95,000, more programs, and programs with specialties, are sure to be needed.

Online Degree Options: Information Systems and Cyber Security

Contact Instructional Connections to Learn More About Online Education Courses & How to Make Your Distance Learning a Success with Virtual Academic Coaches


Begin Preparing for the New School Year with Instructional Connections’ Online Academic Coaches

With the Fall quickly approaching, it is important to be fully prepared for online changes and distance learning. Many Universities will be implementing new procedures and have new classroom needs, in addition to their normal online courses.

Luckily, Universities who are moving more and more into distance learning and online education are able to utilize Instructional Connections’ online academic coaches as a resource for their faculty.

The Process of Our Online Academic Coaches

Instructional Connections Works to Understand Your Needs

We first understand what each college or university needs relative to instructional support and other missions each school desires through in-depth meetings and research.

We Recruit Online Academic Coaches For Your Specific Needs

We recruit, screen, pre-qualify, and present online academic coach candidates that have been vetted and available in our pool for approval by university partners.

We Match & Assign Your Online Academic Coach to Your Program

We individually assign online academic coaches and other support staff to courses and programs based on university, college, or even course-specific needs for online courses.

We Work to Fully Train Your Online Academic Coach

We train candidates on the learning management system used by our university partners and orient them into courses and programs.

We Provide All Organizational Needs for Paperwork & Payroll

We independently contract with, manage, and pay the online academic coaches and other staff that are provided to fulfill the service needs on behalf of university partners. This eliminates universities from adding additional human resources and payroll overhead.

We Hold Our Online Academic Coaches Accountable

We ensure accountability by having supportive leadership staff, who work directly with the university’s administration and faculty, making sure that the faculty member’s expectations, rubric, and goals are fully met.

We Provide Support for Your Faculty Every Step of the Way

We provide continual support to each distance learning course where our online academic coaches are requested and used, from beginning to end.

Roles & Responsibilities of Academic Coaches

We are happy to work closely with faculty on the best practices of how to work with and use their online academic coaches, so that they understand our model, and we understand how course objectives and outcomes are met.

Each of our online academic coaches are highly-qualified, experienced professionals in the appropriate academic discipline and have earned a master’s and/or doctoral degree from an accredited university.

On average, Instructional Connections’ online academic coaches have 14 years of industry experience in their field and have earned a minimum of a Master’s degree.

Our Benefits

  • Online academic coaches focus on enhancing student success and retention in distance learning and online programs. In many graduate programs, we’ve seen retention as high as 80% or more.
  • Our online academic coaching model adds a human touch to the distance learning environment, encouraging students to learn and persist with the demands of course work.
  • Students often view their online academic coaches as a peer and respect the fact that they are experienced in the same field the students desire to join.
  • Instructional Connections can add additional leadership personnel to serve as a point of contact between the faculty and other online academic coaches for course management and communication as your distance learning programs grow.
  • Instructional Connections’ quality assurance program is consistent with the university’s commitment to providing the highest levels of the educational experience to each and every student.

Contact Instructional Connections to Prepare for Online Learning with an Academic Coach

Every area of support from your online academic coach is decided by your faculty and will vary from course to course depending on your faculty’s expectations. This level of flexibility allows your faculty to be in complete control of their online program at all times.

Our faculty partners love the support they receive from their online academic coaches and continually think of new and better methods to help educate students through distance learning with our assistance.

Contact us today to learn more about our online academic coaches, and how they can help your distance learning and online courses this Fall.